Influence of three organic substrates in some morphological parameters of the plant Moringa (White acacia) obtained in live-ros container

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Iris Caridad Castillo Martínez
María Adela Valdés Sáenz
José Manuel Pérez Melendez
Amelia Mederos Apaulaza


This investigation was developed in the Integral Forest Company (EFI) Macurije, in the nursery Cuyaguateje km 72 highway Luis Lazo with the objective of evaluating the influence of three organic substrates, hen grounds, worm humus and organic waste to different combinations, in some morphologic parameters of the plants Moringa oleifera (acacia blanca) obtained from the management of the municipal urban farm under the provincial program of sow of this species in order to get seeds. During the nursery stage, there were done some measure of height and diameter in each one of the plants, the humid weight was also determined and the dried weight in the aerial and radical parts, as well as morphologic index. The used substratum didn't have good chemical properties but it has good physical properties. The best behaviour is the compound M2 for waste organic 50% +humus of worm 50% that showed the best parameters and morphologic index in different plants.


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How to Cite
Castillo Martínez, I. C., Valdés Sáenz, M. A., Pérez Melendez, J. M., & Mederos Apaulaza, A. (2013). Influence of three organic substrates in some morphological parameters of the plant Moringa (White acacia) obtained in live-ros container. Revista Cubana De Ciencias Forestales, 1(1), 23–32. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Iris Caridad Castillo Martínez, Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saíz Monte de Oca.

Doctora en Ciencias Forestales. Profesora Titular.


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