Methodology for the monitoring of the mangrove recovery in the mouth of the San Cristobal river
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The present work consisted of designing a methodology that allows the continues of recovery of the mangrove ecosystem, in the face of the new scenarios of climate change, with a geographic information system for monitoring and updating, from the mouth of the San Cristóbal River to the Los Colorados River, due to the deterioration of a strip of the mangrove ecosystem in the south zone of San Cristóbal municipality, Artemisa province. The area under study covered 1582.59 hectares of mangrove forest south of the municipality of San Cristóbal, which was subjected to massive mortality due to anoxia after the passage of hurricanes. The study was developed in three fundamental moments of the work: Biophysical diagnosis of the ecosystem; analysis of risk-vulnerability and adaptation with a view to the recovery of the ecosystem with integrated management; and application of the methodology from its adaptation and adecuation, to the coastal sector, seriously affected, both by natural and anthropic factors. Action plans and development strategies were defined and some advanced techniques that make up the field of Applied Geomatics were combined, obtaining different thematic layers of the mangrove forest vegetation, used in the risk analysis management process with integrated management in Coast zones.
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