Proposal for the perfection of teaching - learning in Forestry Engineering, Granma University

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Danis Garbey Miranda
Yudemir Cruz Pérez


The purpose of this study was to propose a system to improve of the teaching - learning process using the problematic approach in Forestry Photo interpretation´s subject, for the Forestry Engineering career at University of Granma. The study was performed during 2013 and 2016, with the application of surveys to students and teachers and the observation of teaching activities where they interacted for the development of the subject, through an initial diagnosis, and the insufficiencies were identified. As main results it were obtained that the students identified that the predominant teaching methods in the subject, had a little participative character, and that they did not foment the initiative, creativity, commitment and social responsibility. In this way, the proposed system guarantees the output of essential magnitudes such as the improvement of the program of the subject, its methods and the evaluation system based on a conception that favors the change with professors and students. Finally, the changes in the students and teachers, after implementing the system, support the feasibility of the proposal for a more effective training of the Forestry Engineer under the conditions of the University of Granma.


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How to Cite
Garbey Miranda, D., & Cruz Pérez, Y. (2017). Proposal for the perfection of teaching - learning in Forestry Engineering, Granma University. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(1), 107–124. Retrieved from
Enseñanza Forestal
Author Biographies

Danis Garbey Miranda, Departamento Forestal, Universidad de Gramna, Cuba

Ingeniero Forestal.Departamento Forestal, Universidad de Gramna, Cuba

Yudemir Cruz Pérez, Departamento Forestal ,Universidad de Granma.

Ingeniero Forestal,Doctor en Ciencias Forestales, Máster en Ciencias Forestales.


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