Phytochemical study of the Cuban carob Samanea Saman for determining its potential from the point of view agroforest

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Jorge C. Milián Domínguez
Omaida Iglesias Monroy
Humberto Valdés Hernández


The province of Pinar del Rio is the largest forest area in the nation and this has made investigations related to forest issues in this university has a high priority. Therefore a comprehensive phytochemical study of Samanea saman (carob (performed - (leaves, bark, flowers and fruits) to determine the presence of secondary metabolites and evaluate their potential. work phytochemical screening, historical and logical analysis, the study of documents, observation and collection of samples is used. Among the main results of the study of the various extracts showed the presence of substances such as amino acids, alkaloids, reducing carbohydrates, tannins, saponins and mucilage.


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How to Cite
Milián Domínguez, J. C., Iglesias Monroy, O., & Valdés Hernández, H. (2017). Phytochemical study of the Cuban carob Samanea Saman for determining its potential from the point of view agroforest. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 5(1), 49–61. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biographies

Jorge C. Milián Domínguez, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Omaida Iglesias Monroy, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca".

Máster en Ciencias de la Educación.

Humberto Valdés Hernández, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Alumno ayudante de cuarto año de Agronomía.


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