Considerations about recultivation of Coffea arabica L in exhausted coffee plantations

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Pedro Antonio Álvarez Olivera


The soil and climate conditions for economic cultivation of Coffea arabica in Cuba are limited to certain mountainous areas. However, in the valley of El Moncada, with the protection of  shade trees, productivity and quality of exportable grain it was for several years among the best in the country. The plantations are aging and require demolition and new fomentation (re cultivation) in those same places. For various reasons the new plantations presented serious difficulties, according to random sampling in two new coffee fields and observations in a third  exhausted coffee field that will be demolished and re- cultivated. For the unsatisfactory results in new plantations and their causes, in this work, a re- design process by total feeling and preparation of sites for new plantations of the species, with nine tasks and two alternatives to improve edafic conditions , process that is proposed as feasible by the interrelationships of tasks, focus on the protection and agro ecological soil improvement in order to obtain successful new plantations.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Olivera, P. A. (2016). Considerations about recultivation of Coffea arabica L in exhausted coffee plantations. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 4(2), 164–174. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Pedro Antonio Álvarez Olivera, Universidad de Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca”.

Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas. Profesor Consultante. Profesor de Silvicultura y Agrosilvicultura.


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