Evaluation of environmental impact in the plan of flood of the river "Yara" in the urban tract of the municipality "Yara"

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Elizabeth Peña Merladet


The investigation developed in the period understood between the months of February to May of the 2014 in the urban tract of the Yara municipality, Granma County with the objective of evaluating the environmental impacts in the plan of flood of the Yara River. It was carried out an analysis of the vegetation and it was determined that they exist 46 species of plants and 5489 individuals appertaining to 27 botanical families. The species of senior courage of ecological importance was Petiveria alliacea. Lin with a courage of 53.86% and Pithecellobium dulce Roxb, with a 14.95%, also as well as the species that senior security of abundance and frequency introduced. Given to that the Petiveria alliacea. Lin, it was the species with old index of courage of importance and besides belonging to the herbaceous stratum, revealed the level of degradation in the vegetation. It was carried out a shop of experts that constituted the base for the conformation of the womb of identification of goods, the womb of impacts, the womb of importance and the womb of Leopold in order to know the impacted factors their intensity and magnitude. Like outputs of the wombs, they were identified 19 factors and 47 impacts environmental associates where the more represented were of the characteristic chemistry-physical and biological conditions. They were gotten 2 critical impacts, 3 severe, 11 moderates and the remainder like irrelevant or compatible. Critics were considered the deforestation in trees and shrubbery.


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How to Cite
Peña Merladet, E. (2016). Evaluation of environmental impact in the plan of flood of the river "Yara" in the urban tract of the municipality "Yara". Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 4(1), 59–71. Retrieved from https://cfores.upr.edu.cu/index.php/cfores/article/view/140
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Elizabeth Peña Merladet, Dpto de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad de Granma.

Ingeniera Forestal,


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