Diet of Odocoileusvirginianus in areas of forest of the Comprehensive Enterprise Mines, Pinar del Río

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Fernando Ramón Hernández Martínez
Leiser Ricardo Mendoza
Marcelino Martínez Revol


The investigation about the diet of the deer of white line was carried out during the month of March of the 2009 in four areas of forests in the town of Tibisí, corresponding to the forestry unit of Santa Lucía, Integral forestry enterprise Mines deMatahambre. It had as objective determining during this stage the species of plants used by this species in the feeding. For the characterization of the vegetation and the determination of the plants used by the deer in the feeding in the four areas of forests. 8plots used for counting the excretes were selected and plotted in each four rectangular plots in North-South, East- West with the length of 11.2 m long and 1.50 wide, for a total of 128 parcels with these characteristics. In each of these plots the total number of plants was determined by species that were browsed and the number of times each one of these was browsed. It was determined that the deer included in its diet during the month of March of the 2009 a total of 13 vegetable species in the four areas of forests, using the leaves and tender buds mainly. The species of plants included in the diet corresponded to 8 botanical families, standing out for the number of species that integrate it:Rubiaceae family.


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How to Cite
Hernández Martínez, F. R., Ricardo Mendoza, L., & Martínez Revol, M. (2014). Diet of Odocoileusvirginianus in areas of forest of the Comprehensive Enterprise Mines, Pinar del Río. Cuban Journal of Forest Science, 2(1), 67–76. Retrieved from
Scientific articles
Author Biography

Fernando Ramón Hernández Martínez, Universidad de Pinar del Rió "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Profesor e investigador de la Facultad de Forestal y Agronomía


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